How Solid is Your Business Relationship?

How Solid is Your Business Relationship?

Have you ever wondered how network marketers build a strong team? One minute they are at entry-level, the next they are already posing for the camera as directors. The answer isn’t farfetched. They build not just a team but a business relationship.

Over the years, strong business relationship has been proven to be a catalyst for the success of SMEs.

Our business network qualifies as those we look up to, count on, rely on for direction in the business world. Many businesses have missed it while some have folded up due to their incompetence in building a sustainable business relationship.

It’s important to know that building a relationship takes a lot of resources (time, energy, and money, etc.), which of course should be mutual.



Here are a few ideas:

  1. Be Real! Never start a relationship with a false personality.
  2. Cultivate the habit of mutual respect.
  3. Show that you are human and not some robot without flaws.
  4. Provide your business ideas and skill as shoulders to lean on when needed.
  5. Cross the line sometimes and get more personal. It mustn’t be all about work.
  6. There is this saying, “Nothing goes for nothing.” Offer something before asking for something. Don’t take advantage of the relationship.
  7. Trust! Trust!! Trust!!! It’s an essential ingredient for a healthy and lasting relationship. Don’t trade it for anything.

In the pursuit of our business goals and gains, let us also pin-point and strive to build that strong and lasting business relationship with people, colleagues, and organizations. Our goals and tangible offerings may get them attracted to us, but ONLY a good relationship will keep them.

Christiana Aina
[email protected]
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