November 2014

All brands have some sort of appeal to them or they would be out of business. A certain brand appeals to us, generally in taste and sometimes emotionally. We have to like something about the brand in order to buy it.The Laws of AttractionThe laws...

Customer retention is not only a cost effective and profitable strategy, but in today's business world it's necessary. This is especially true when you remember that 80% of your sales come from 20% of your customer and clients. Taking these statistics into consideration I wonder why most marketing...

Creative thinking will save your business – and it might just save our economy, too. Imagination generates innovation which gives your business its competitive edge. The most recent neuroscience reasearch supports the idea that creativity is fundamental to the success of any business. The good news...

Product is similar to the bait that is dangled towards the customer. Just like how the bait draws the fish towards itself, the product draws customers towards it. Product is not necessarily an item for sale but can also be services, ideas, solutions etc.Your Product...

You see a customer coming up to you and you can just tell that he is really unhappy. In fact, he looks down right angry. You have a couple of choices, run the other way to handle some other business or find a way to...